Friday 30 September 2011

29th September 2011

Just to pick up from yesterday before the elelphant killed the power, Linda, Andrew and Leighton went with Carolyn to the Creches to visit. The first creche was a very moving experience, it was located deep in one of the township extensions in a very poor area. Their were about 8 kids from 10 months to 6 years old in a little and very cramped area. Andrew and Leighton upset one of the little ones as they walked in, (Carolyn later told them in the car that he probably had never seen white men before) .The teachers have done an amazing job with the curriculum that WEC have created and the kids sang and danced and demonstrated a lot of the curriculum which they have learnt. It's difficult to describe the area, dirt lanes, corregated iron roofs, and buildings built from every available material known to man. The teachers gave us a drink with the cleanest glasses I have ever seen and served them on a beautiful silver tray. They were extremely generous with their time and the kids showed us their dance moves for the upcoming graduation.

The two other creches were in better areas and the children were very happy to see white people and they sang some Colin Buchanan songs and demonstrated what they have learnt with counting, shapes, colours and alphabet. They are really advanced for pre-school.

Creighton decided to create more work for everyone when he took out the fence while ploughing a small block, Leighton took over to finish the job Creighton started, only after they both fixed the fence! While on the farming scene, Erle and Tim dug holes in the garden with Sims for 3 hours, while Leighton and Zac put in a brief performance before being called away for other jobs. Erle and Tim are still recovering!

On the ladies front, Kathy and Carolyn went and had coffee and bought supplies, Merilyn worked in the bakery making beautiful bread, Sue helped in the kitchen and on top of all of that we had a lovely birthday celebration for Akhumzi.

 Barry had a very productive day and fixed one of the missions cars. Peter, Barry, Andrew, Zac and Tim then took it for a test drive to town, had a coffee and cruised some of the shops.

At night fall most of the group attended a church service that the bible college were running. It was a great time of fellowship and beautiful singing, hard to describe unless you were there but just fantastic enthusiasm and passion in the service. We were very popular at the end with many photos being taken and sharing, the majority of the congregation were from Zimbabwe. The sermon was on 1 Kings 18:42 .

Some say that just before night fall they saw a number of Hyenas and Leopards circling the compound, I don't personally know but that's what they say.

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