Thursday 29 September 2011

29th September 2011

Tonight is a short post due to the team attending a Zimbabwean church service and a big day of physical work by all except Aunty Kath who had coffee with Carolyn.
The power is struggling. We have already had 1 blackout due to the Elephant next door throwing a log against the electric fence and there looks like more blackouts on the way. Will update more in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Well the storms here knocked over a fence at the zoo and some of the animals escaped. We had a hippo cooling off in the pond, there was a giraffe chewing on a branch whilst swinging in the hammock, a cheeky little monkey decided to take Dad's monaro for a spin (I wouldn't bother selling it dad, you probably wouldn't get much for it now :/ ) and an elephant sat on the front lawn waving to passing cars. However the scariest was when a Lion jumped out at mum when she was hanging out the washing. But don't worry, mum wasn't hurt because Chester put up a good fight. The Lion was strong but he was no match for the speed and agility that is Chester!! And while all the happened the power stayed on.
