Wednesday 28 September 2011

28th September 2011

The women have spent 2 whole days sorting and cleaning out the creche resources library. Creches here are more like daycare come preschools. Boxes have been prepared to distribute to 4 different creche libraries which cover 30 creches in the local area, and to after school homework centres.
The focus of the WEC ministry has changed recently from providing and running creches to training the local women to run the creches themselves. The creche ministry has multiplied as local women have caught the vision for it. A number of these women have taken an oversite role of all creches in their area. This is testiment to the hard work of Carolyn and her team.
Today Zac, Sue and Merilyn visited 3 of these creches. They were impressed by the children's cheerfulness despite the simplicity of their setting and the children were extremely excited to perform songs, dances and bible verses for them. There were up to 40 children in a room the size of a single garage.
Kathy went to a hospice for children with HIV and AIDS. This was a home setting with groups of 7-8 children in each house with a house mother. There have been 219 children through the hospice. You can find more information about this on
Linda helped prepare a tradition African lunch of paap (maize), spinach and beef stew. Creighton and Peter, who was in the know and doesn't like paap, stayed in town and had fish and chips without the rest of us knowing.
The women also did what women do best, solve problems, provide solutions at local, national and internation level.
The men did a bit of manual labour in between smokos.
Quote of the Day:
In reference to finding Creighton. Kathy, "Speaking of dead weight, where is he?"
We heard there was a huge amount of rain in Dubbo today, praise God. There hasn't been any here so when the herd of wilderbeast stampeded past there was a lot of dust.

Linda, Merilyn, Tim, Zac, Kathy, Creighton, Andrew, Leighton, Barry, Sue and Erle.

Linda, Sue and Sindole serving up the paap for lunch.

Linda and Kathy doing some manual labour.

The boys having a well deserved smoko.

1 comment:

  1. Well I had to ride my kangaroo through the rain last night and the wet made it so hard to hold on, especially when the herd of emus started to chase us. But I can imagine those wilderbeast would be pretty cool.
