Sunday 25 September 2011

25th September 2011

Well, our journey has begun and what lies ahead is a little unknown but that creates excitement, anticipation and a little wariness!
The flight over was quite enjoyable with good company, lots of movies and more food and drinks than you could poke a stick at. Although the flight was good it was nice to finally land in Johannesburg after 18 hours sitting in an aeroplane seat with all 11 team members still together, amazingly!
We met Carolyn and Peter at the airport and they took us to their home for breakfast, which to us felt like afternoon tea considering it was about 3.30pm Australian time. Much like the flight over they put on an amazing spread!
After having time to catch up and chat with the Campbells they drove us out to the WEC mission base where we met their team, all of whom are extremely friendly and welcoming. And yet again too much food for our BBQ lunch!
It's now 3pm here (11pm Aussie time) and we are off to try and fix a blocked drain that resulted in some minor flooding to one of the team member's houses this morning. Only the first of many jobs we will attempt over the next 2 weeks. Wish us luck!
Please continue to keep our team, the Campbells and their team in your prayers as we work together on this journey. Pray that we may develop our relationships as a team and with God over this time and may we have our eyes opened up to the things God is going to show us in the coming weeks.
God Bless.

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