Monday 26 September 2011

26th September 2011

Day 2

Zac was last up, bleary eyed- a typical uni student!
Meeting- Intro to WEC, we had finished bible study and prayer by the time Peter finally joined us.
Morning- guys went shopping while the women stayed behind to work hard. Guys restrained themselves from buying guns (Erle wants to compare prices first).
Tasks completed so far.
- septic drained
- mower fixed
- car fixed and sold
- creche library sorted
- storage container cleaned out
- drains in large house cleaned
- float in cistern fixed
Creighton quotes:
- "She always says no to me, no matter what it is."
- "Tim's only a pretend Australian. You don't become a Australian until they do something good."
Lots of gagging and dry wretching while cleaning out the sewerage pipes and septic. Creighton and Zac especially!
In devotions a rousing rendition of "Wild Thing"
Countryside looks like Central West NSW except a lion wandered past the front gate this morning.

Linda and others.

P.S. Erle ONLY went to town TWICE today. Hoping for three times tomorrow and keeping an eye out for clearing sales.

The team (minus Merilyn who is behind the camera) at Johannesburg Airport.

Digging up the sewerage pipes.

The girls sorting out the library.

Push starting the car that was sold.


  1. Hope all of you's are enjoying yourselfs God bless you

  2. Glad to hear you all arrived safely. Mildly surprised Dad hasn't found the prefect tree yet (someone please take a photo when he does ;-)). Look forward to reading your adventures. Love, Sal, Ben, Micah and Sprout.
