Wednesday 5 October 2011

5 October 2011

Our  last full day here in South Africa started with an off the cuff devotion from Andrew. Once we had thanked God for His continued protection and prayed, we headed off to finish what we had started.

Sue and Zac took a quick trip into town to make a very important purchase with Hayley, that kept Zac and Hayley entertained for the rest of the day.

Kathy, Erle and Tim were dressed and waiting for Carolyn to pick them for their creche visits in one of the townships. Our first stop was to see a lady named Mary. Mary showed us some of her beautiful hand embroided items. We each purchased some of her work, so some of our family and friends may be lucky enough to be the recipient of ones of these wonderful pieces. We may even try to get some more of her items home at a later date. Our next visit was to Mamma Rose's creche to drop of some items for a baby who is only new to her creche and is not well. The kids here were very loud and were enjoying playing with some of the toys. The numbers were down today because it is school holidays and some had stayed home. At the next creche with Mamma Thembe, there were only about 20 kids there today. They were much quieter and were very happy to show us their items for their celebration at the end of the year. The children who are attending school next year all stepped forward said their name and age and thanked us for coming. After all the older ones had finished one little fellow stepped forward, confidently told us his name and told us he was 5 years old, he was all of 3yrs but had obviously been taking everything in during this year. He also led them in rendition of the South African National Anthem. It was a privilege to hear them all recite Bible verses that they had learnt. We praise God that these young ones can be taught these truths at a young age and pray that they will stay in their hearts for life. After a couple of stops for Carolyn to catch up with a couple of other creche mummas we headed home with much to contemplate.

Back at the 'compound' the boys were completing the gate. This was a big job as cement had to be laid, runners put in place and fence cut to fit. This gate will be fitted with an electric motor that will enable the gate to be opened automatically from the car, which allows for better security and protection from bad weather. Peter was very impressed and pleased to see this big job finished before we left.

Sue and Merilyn went with Carolyn to drop of the resources (toys & books) to one of the four libraries that are being set up for the local creches.

On their return we all ventured out for a farewell dinner at the local Spur. Spur is a steak and rib restuarant and I am sure they were unsure what had hit them when 25, mostly Australians sat down.
We enjoyed a wonderful meal together and after a couple of hours of good food and fun we exchanged gifts and thanked and praised God for each other. We farewelled Faith & Hayley in the carpark as we will not be seeing them tomorrow and headed back to our warm beds as the temperature has dropped quite bit.

We were late home due to a a zebra crossing!!!!!!

We pray for a safe trip home for Andrew, Zac, Tim Leighton, Creighton & Kathy and for Merilyn, Sue & Erle as they head to Cape Town for a week before heading home. Also for Barry & Linda as they continue on their tour before heading back here to finish a few extra jobs.
We also praise God for the things we have seen and learnt and we look forward to filling in the details with many of you when we get home.

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