Sunday 2 October 2011

2 October 2011

One week has passed since we arrived and being Sunday it was an oopportunity for us to attend church. This was a logisitical nightmare as we needed three cars to transport us to the chuches that we were going to. We also had to consider which road we would take as the rain can wreak havoc with the unsealed roads that lead from the farm to the main road about 2kms away.
It was also a lot cooler today and we had to find warm clothes to wear, which was a fashion nightmare for the ladies who had to wear a skirt and thus didn't have their full wardrobe to choose from.
Sue, Erle and Kathy attended a small 'Lighthouse' Church with Carolyn. This church was the home church for Catherine who led the service. The church building was a tin shed that the people had decorated with red & white fabric and had enough chairs to seat 15 people. We were welcomed warmly and encouraged to join in. Erle gave a 'word' to the people and after much singing and praying in Zulu a lay pastor spoke to us from Jeremiah 17:7-8. Caroline, Catherine's daughter who is home from university, interpretted for us. Caroline visited us in Dubbo a number of years ago with Peter & Carolyn. We were also treated to lunch after the service.
The others, Creighton, Leighton, Andrew, Zac, Tim and Merilyn attended the Langaville Baptist Church with Peter, Hayley, Ruben, Ruth and Raine. Due to the wet weather there were very few locals at church for the commencement of the service. As the weather fined up more people arrived. Some arriving one hour into the service. Very repetitive songs/phrases that they hope to introduce to Dubbo Baps. The beginning of the service was a time of praise, prayer and songs with many participating. Peter, Zac, Leighton & Merilyn shared but were nowhere up to the ladies beautiful singing. The pastor gave a short sermon on Numbers 13:26-33 which went for 40 minutes - "what do you do when circumstances are out of control". Following the service they were very much made welcome with hugs & greetings and a number of photos were taken.

Following a quick change of clothes back at the house we headed off rather quickly to some markets. We travelled along the freeways and tollway into Joburg to the Rosebank Markets, where we were allowed to go our seperate ways for a couple of hours to explore and do some shopping. There were many stalls that sold traditional African crafts and souvenirs and quite a lot of not so traditional. A number of gifts were purchased for family at home and a decision was made to purchase some hand embroided squares that will be made into a banner when we get home for the church. We may need to call on some of our own local ladies to help us with this. Zac and Hayley found the game arcade and spent most of their afternoon there racing and shooting each other.

An early night is in order so that we are up ready to leave at 5am for our trip to the game park tomorrow.

A cheetah has made home in the ceiling above Creighton and Kathy's bedroom to try and seek shelter from the horendous thunderstorm.

Carolyn, Sue and Sue outside the 'Lighthouse' church.

The Langaville Baptist Church.

The huge Nelson Mandela statue.

The crew leaving the markets.

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