Tuesday 4 October 2011

4th October 2011

  Today was a very different day, starting with a team meeting put back to a 9am start ( to allow for recovery time after a big day yesterday ). This was a great time of sharing and praying.
  After that the boys hit it hard installing a new front entrance gate. This involved digging a trench, mixing the cement and concreting a narrow slab to mount the track on. The project seemed to require a lot of commitee meetings, brainstorming and sometimes some hard work. We hovered somewhere between "Many hands make light work" and "Too many cooks spoil the broth". While digging the trench we found that South Africa is made of one big rock with a small amount of dirt on top. By days end we had put in the concrete with three posts and the track for the gate to run on. Thanks to all the guys big effort we are on track to finish the job tomorrow.
  During all this the girls decided to go to town shopping (again). This caused lunch to be pushed back to afternoon tea time but the beautiful steak sandwich lunch they provided for us was well worth the wait.
  The shopping also included the purchase of books to be used around the different creches in the townships.
  Merilyn met a nice young man today. He was so friendly that he pushed her trolley for her and helped pack the groceries into the car.
  In the middle of the afternoon Zac and Peter felt it necessary to head off to Buildit (Pete's favourite shop). These trips seem to take a little longer than one would expect but they seem to enjoy them.
  It seems strange to think that tomorrow is our last full day here. The time has really flown. We will really miss the daily parades of animals especialy the troop of baboons that would greet us from the trees at the house each morning.

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