Sunday 2 October 2011

1 October 2011

Sorry for the delay in posting. When storms hit here we need to turn of the modem and other electrical things to avoid possible problems from a lightning strike. The first storm of the season hit last night causing a short blackout and the need to shut off the modem.
Saturday was a day for a Celebration for Creche teachers who had completed training with the WEC team throughout  the year. This was one of many celebrations that are held at this time of the year. Sue, Kathy, Merilyn and Linda attend the celebration in a local church in Springs with Carolyn, Sue, Lindsey and Ruth. The ladies arrived from the creches dressed immaculately ready to receive their certificates from the WEC team. This was also a special day for our team as Sue was asked to speak to the ladies and to bring them a word of encouragement. She did a wonderful job and was well received by all. The morning wrapped up with morning tea and many photos taken by not only us but also the other ladies. It is interesting to be a celebrity and to be photographed just because you are from another country.

While the girls were out the boys began to dig a hole but interupted their big job to take a trip into town in the 'bakkie' (ute), Zac and Erle in the cab with the other five loaded in the back under the canopy on the cushions. The trip was used to test the steak meals at 'Spur'.
On their return they continued to dig a hole in the rock hard ground and finished the ceiling in the workshop.
Barry and Linda left us today to head off on a 15 day camping trek further north. Peter, along with Tim, Erle and Merilyn took them into Joburg, and took the opportunity to visit Nelson Mandella Square and to have their photo taken with Mandella's statue.
Our passionate tea lady, Emma, also left us today to go to Pretoria to run a youth camp for the week. Our tea has lost its passion

For the ladies the afternoon was spent preparing a baked lamb dinner for 23! This was our opportunity to bless the team here in South Africa with an Australian meal. It was Ruben's first taste of lamb and for the other Australian's a taste of home. We also showed some photos from home and logged onto some facebook pages to find photos of our families.
The dinner was also a celebration for Sue & Erle's wedding anniversary.
God provided us with us a spectacular display of his power in the thunder storm that hit us just as we were heading to bed. We continue to praise Him for His protection and love that we have been shown while we are here.

The hippo that has been living in the mission base pool wandered up to the main house to have a swim in the trench that the the men had dug.

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